Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is a frustrating day for me. What do you buy for that special someone? Candy, Roses, soaps, jewelry, cards.... I can go on and on... and the point is every year it is the same thing. I am a creative person by design, but all the things that are out there to purchase for the day is the same thing that has always been.

I want to be different every year. I do not care much is I get the same thing every year, but I want to do something special. Go out to eat? Done it!... Done it a lot mind you. I am fat. My point is I am looking for something different. I can tell as a guy there is a big expectation to deliver. You know roses are just not cutting it. That is what I do any ol' time I am feeling a little sappy.... Vermont Teddy Bear... at least that one would not hurt when it gets hurled at me.

I do not blame the retail industry. They deliver what the guy wants. Quick and easy and without any true thought. HMMM! Roses! Yeah! Am I making sense. It is a insult to the great women in our lives. I am saying they are worth more that a 5 minute decision at check out. They deserve better.

You would think Being a creative person. In a creative industry I could do that, but it does not work that way for me. I wish it did, but the "guy" gene takes over ... well you women know what I am talking about....

I want something more that represents those women in my life that are important besides a symbol that will die and empty calories... What does that say about us?

Just my thought on it all. Don't worry I did eventually find a few cool things.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

sRGB Hell... For You Photoshop Geeks

Ok.. Now I am bald. I have been having some problems with Photoshop and Bridge when using the Image Processor. Now, if you shoot a lot of images like I do the Image Processor in Photoshop CS2 is the miracle that make what I do possible. I live and die by this one operation in Photoshop.

Basically, the problem is this. Now, I do not want to start a debate, but I shoot in the sRGB color space for almost everything. Why? Because it is better than Adobe 1998. That's why! Okay... now I stepped into it. The Adobe 1998 vs. sRGB is for another day. Needless to say that is where it all begins.

Apparently if the file already has the the embedded sRGB profile there is a glitch in the Java script that causes the error that stops the the operation. It says something to the effect "Sorry, Something major has happened. Click here for more info" AWW! I love it when my computer takes the time to apologize to me. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Anyhow, when click it says "The User Canceled the Operation: 1548." What!? Fuzzy feelings are gone. Now, it blames me. I did not touch anything. It is a easy fix if you can find the not so easy to find solution. Guess what folks. Click here for the fix. The solution comes from All one has to do is not click the box. Now you say, "But, Jason, then you do not have a profile with your image, and isn't that like walking around with no underwear?"

Well, yes... but I checked the file the profile is indeed there. So, put you underwear back on. I shot it with the profile. The second fix is to actually modify the script. Which can be found in the link above.

That is my rant today folks!


Saturday, January 27, 2007

Got Fudge?

So, on my many travels I have noticed the absolute common thread to every location. Fudge. I hate the stuff, so I thought I would be the best expert to judge who had the best. After all who has the least disgusting fudge would naturally have the best. However, changes in my lifestyle have prevent such craziness. Besides I hate the stuff.

So, what to do with a blog that is a complete rip off a certain big ad campaign? Personal thoughts? Crazy stories of my crazy life. You know like jumping out of airplanes and the like. Actually, I do none of that, but how about my thoughts?

Hopefully no one will be all that interested. Then some crazy things I may say will never be public. What they heck here it goes!